Mercatini del Mondo 13-15 October 2017

“I Mercatini del Mondo” (Markets around the world) ” :    A world of delicacies not to be missed!

This extraordinary event that takes place on the third weekend of October, in Arezzo downtown:  3 days of flavors and colors from all over the world, from Friday 13th to Sunday 15th October 2017

A world tour in 300 stands with some of the most famous attractions of the planet through food delicacies and handicraft specialties from many countries.  As always, the food will be the protagonist, thanks to local delicacies accompanied by exotic ones, but you can also find crafts and much more…  170 foreign operators from 33 countries around the world. From spices and perfumes of Provence to brittany butter cookies, Dutch flowers and cheeses, speck from Tyrol and Austrian sweets, Belgium and Irish beers, German würstels with sauerkraut; then Spain with paella and sangria, Greece with souvlaki and caviar, vodka, pearls and fur from Russia; rose essence from Bulgaria, argentine asado, silver and wood and leather items from Africa, kosher cuisine from Israel, Ecuador and Tibet handicrafts ! And as a great novelty of the 2017 edition the new entry of Portugal with Portuguese specialties!

Food trucks, local products, gluten free and vegetarian food.



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